Easy (and Cheap) Pumpkin Wreath

Tutorial to create your own fall wreath

I like to change out my wreaths for the different seasons, but this year, for some reason, I didn’t think about it until about a week before Halloween. Since I don’t have a craft store in my town, I wanted to come up with an easy idea which I could get all of the supplies either at Walmart or the Dollar Tree.

I had the idea of using felt for a wreath a while back and thought this was a great reason to try it out. Not only was it easy to put together, it cost me less than $10! And I am very happy with the way it turned out.

I created this wreath, and here is the tutorial so you can create your own fall pumpkin wreath.

Supplies needed

  • 14″ Wire Wreath form (I got mine at the Dollar Tree)
  • 24 (or so) pieces of 9″ x 12″ orange felt (Walmart)
  • Green or brown ribbon for bow/leaves (I had green wire edged ribbon left from another project that I originally purchased at the Dollar Tree.)
  • something for the stem (I had brown deco mesh that I had left from another project that I originally purchased at the Dollar Tree. But you could use a stick out of your yard, or you could just skip the stem altogether.)

Tools Needed

  • hot glue gun and glue sticks and/or
  • floral wire (you can use one or the other or both)
  • self healing mat and rotary cutter or scissors


Cut all the pieces of felt length wise. I used a self-healing cutting mat that has measurement printed on it and a rotary cutter, but you could just fold the felt in half and cut with scissors.

Then insert each long edge from the back of the wreath form along one of the middle two wires like this:

Then you bunch it up like this:

Insert the next piece the same way:

Keep doing that all the way around the inside two wires. I put two pieces of felt on each wire in each of the six sections of the form. I didn’t put any felt on the inside or outside wire.

For the Stem, I used some brown mesh that I had laying around, and just rolled it up and glued it. Then I used floral wire and hot glue to attach it to the wreath frame. You could use burlap, or a stick out of the yard, or you could just skip it. It would still look nice without it.

Then I added a green bow with long tails. I used some green wire edged ribbon that I already had on hand (I got at the Dollar Tree). You don’t have to use wire edged ribbon, but I liked how curly it was right of the roll. It reminded me of curly pumpkin vines. I used floral wire to attach it to the wreath frame. I left the tails just hang down freely, but you could use a dab of glue to keep them in place.


Wasn’t that easy? Once you get going you will be amazed at how quick this comes together. From start to finish this wreath took me about 20 minutes to put together. And I spent around 8 dollars since I already had the green ribbon and the mesh I used for the stem on hand. It was easy, cheap, and I didn’t have to leave town. I also love that this wreath could serve for both Halloween and Thanksgiving.