Create a Heart in Design Space

Designing in Design Space

I know that there is already a heart in the Shapes in design space. But I wanted a different shaped heart for a Valentines project that I was doing, so I figured out a way to make my own, using only Design Space.

This is a great way for beginners to practice using Design Space. This tutorial is also great for more seasoned Cricut users who want to learn ways to make original designs.

If you are unsure of any of the terms that are being used, see my Cricut Glossary post.

Designing different hearts in Design Space

Skills practiced in this tutorial:

If you are fairly new to Cricut and Design Space, here are the skills that you will learn and practice in this tutorial:

Inserting shapes
Changing sizes of shapes
Moving objects around on the Canvas
Rotating Shapes


1. Insert a circle on your canvas by selecting shapes, and then circle (left side menu.

2. With the circle selected, change the size to 1.5 (top menu)

3. With the circle still selected, change the position to X 0 and Y 0.

4. Insert a square by selecting Shapes, and then Square.

5. Change the Position to X 0 & Y 0.75

6. Now click Select All (top menu), and click slice.

7. Select just the square shape and pull it away from the circle. See how it’s missing a half circle shape at the top? With it still selected, hit your delete button on your keyboard, or the delete in the top right.

8. Select the bottom half circle and pull it away. This is from the square. We don’t need this either, so delete it. This will leave 2 half circles.

9. Insert a square, by selecting Shapes, then square.

10. With the square still selected, change the width to 1.5”.

11. With the square still selected, change the X position to 0.75, and the Y position to 0.75.

12. Click on the top half circle, and change the X position to 0.75.

13. Click on the other half circle, and rotate it 90 deg (top menu).

14. Then with the same half circle selected, change the X position to 0, and the Y position to .75.

15. Click Select All, and then click weld.

16. Select the heart, and rotate 45 degrees.

Now move this heart off to the side and let’s make another one by using some slightly different shapes.

Same method using an oval instead of a circle.

Instead of starting with a circle, let’s use an oval instead. This will give you a slightly different shape.

1. To make an oval, first click shapes, and select circle.

2. With the circle still selected, unlock the dimensions, by clicking on the lock on the lower left of the shape.

3. Change the width to 1 and height to 1.5.

4. Change the X position to 0, and the Y position to 0.

5. Insert a square, and change the X position to 0, and the Y position to 0.75.

6. We need to select the oval and the square, but we can’t use Select All this time, because we have the other heart hanging out there. So first, select the oval. Then hold down your shift button, and click on the square. Now both are selected.

7. Click Slice.

8. Select the square shape, and delete it.

9. Select the bottom half of the oval and delete it, leaving two half circles.

10. Select the top half circle and change the X position to 0.75.

11. Select the bottom half circle and rotate it 90 degrees.

12. Change the X posistion to 0, and the Y position to 0.75.

13. Insert a square, and change the width to 1”.

14. Change the X position to .75, and the Y position to .75

15. Select, the top half oval, and while holding the shift key, select the other half oval, and the square. Click Weld.

16. Rotate it 45 degrees.

17. Resize as needed!